Though many are familiar with the Great Commission found in Matthew 28:18-20, there is a tendency to miss two very important nuggets. As we understand that the Commission is Great because Jesus is alive and able to come through on His Word, these nuggets give comfort to those desiring to fulfill the commandment to reach the nations with the Good News. In this passage of Scripture there is a precept and a promise. Without these, the believer is left to his or her own strength, resources and wit.

The precept is found in Matthew 28:18 where Jesus says, “…All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on Earth.” It is from this position of authority Jesus sends believers out into the world to represent Him. Jesus has been given all authority and power in heaven and on earth. That is quite a bit of power! It is that power, that Jesus sends us to the nations. The very Creator of the Universe has not only commissioned His people, but stands behind them with cosmic strength to share that the Son is Alive. What a truth to meditate on…that we are not only on a mission of Divine Origin, but are supported and backed up on that mission by Divine Power. Before ascending into heaven, Jesus would tell the disciples to wait in Jerusalem for the promise of the Holy Spirit who would come UPON them in power to be witnesses of Him there in their hometown, in the surrounding areas, counties and states, and to all nations.

The key is a surrendered life. God chose Moses to deliver His people out of Egypt and the basis was the “call” not the skills, education, resources, etc. When Moses laid down his staff, God turned it into a snake which would end up communicating God’s power before Pharaoh. It would be Moses’ rod turned snake that would eat up the other snakes the magicians had divined. When the power of God is at work, there is the evidence of His power and authority.

The promise is found in verse 20 of Matthew 28, “…I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Jesus not only sends us out with power and authority, but with His very presence! How comforting is it to know you are not alone in this grand adventure! Jesus promised not to leave us orphans, promised not to forsake us, promised that nothing can separate us from His love. It is very good to know because we find ourselves in very terrible predicaments at times. And, though many may be against us, Jesus will always be for us. You and Jesus are the majority.

The key here is to cultivate intimacy with Jesus, to know Him deeply, and to love Him completely. We desire vision and revelation and direction, however, those things do not come unless there is first worship, devotion and intimacy. You can discover this great principal in the story of Mary and Martha. To the degree we dive into fellowship with Jesus through Worship and the study of His Word will be the degree we have vision, revelation and direction.

Yes, the world can look big and scary, especially when you browse the current events of the day. Just in considering the United States, Israel, Iran and Terrorism, you may spiral into depression if it were not for the promise of the Lord who ever lives to make intercession for us. When we study the Scriptures like mining for precious ore, we will never be disappointed for it is in His word we find the precept of His authority and the promise of His presence.