
Mark 16:15 “And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.”
The Great Commission is the church’s mission, to preach the Gospel locally and globally. We see it as our privilege to be part of the local and global missions. We support many ministries and missionaries that proclaim the gospel. As a church, we partake in short-term mission trips, and opportunities to get involved in the work of God through missions are plenty. You can find more details about these involvements and opportunities on this page.
For any inquiries about this ministry contact our church office at 406-752-4871
Below you can see the ministries and missionaries we support.
Hope Pregnancy Ministries
Their mission is to show love, bring hope, and save lives. They are a non-profit organization dedicated to providing life-affirming reproductive healthcare services and referrals, alternatives to abortion, and new parent education in a caring and respectful environment. They help to serve as a safety net for men, women, and children in Flathead Valley by providing parenting education, free pregnancy diagnosis and nursing consultations, and free and low-cost STD testing and treatment.
To know more visit their website.
Whitefish Christian Academy
They are a Christian School “grounded in Christian excellence, and is dedicated to assisting parents in the spiritual, intellectual, social, and physical development of their children to send out Christian thinkers and doers of the Word to engage and transform our culture for Christ.”
To know more visit their website.
Drew Buckner with Flathead Valley Braveheart Chaplain Ministry
Braveheart Chaplain Ministry is committed to providing effective, relevant, timely support services to emergency responders, their families, and citizens in crisis throughout Flathead County.
To know more visit their website.
____________ (due to the sensitivity of their ministry we are not sharing their names and their exact location publicly).
They are ministering to the Jewish Community in New Jersey, and are an extension of the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel. Their ministry is through Life in Messiah and is committed to seeing God’s purpose for the church fulfilled as Jews and Gentiles are made one through the faith in Messiah Jesus. This is accomplished using evangelism, discipleship, and equipping believers for effective ministry — all with the priority “to the Jew first.”
To learn more about their ministry visit here.
Dan & Ana Jones | Rancho Maranatha | Sonora, Mexico
Rancho Maranatha was established in 1970 in a location along the only paved road between two small mountain towns where numerous small, but remote villages were within reach. Daniel and Ana Jones lead dozens of weekly Bible studies, operate several Christian radio stations, and have raised 30 children in addition to three of their own. Because the Sonoran terrain is so rugged, Daniel found it much more difficult to reach villages that had not heard the Gospel than he had originally expected. That led to the new opportunity that came in 2013 when the Lord allowed him to begin flying ultralight planes into the remote villages in the Sierra Mountains.
To learn more about their ministry visit here.
Far Reaching Ministries | South Sudan & Beyond
Pastor Wes Bentley is the founder and CEO of Far Reaching Ministries. In 1996 he began serving as a missionary in the war-torn regions of Bahr El-Ghazal, Western Equatoria, and the Nube Mountains (Southern Kordofan). Two years later, FRM began working with South Sudanese refugee camps, primarily in Kiryandongo, Uganda. Offering love and hope to orphans and widows who had lost their families, FRM served the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of those most affected by ethnic and religious cleansing.
FRM resources are utilized to rescue and prevent the suffering and exploitation of vulnerable communities by assisting to rebuild lives after facing religious persecution, violence, ethnic cleansing, rape, abduction, torture, and humanitarian crises caused by civil war. FRM also serves the afflicted, the starving, those enslaved by human traffickers, the ill or dying by bringing aid for their physical needs, but most importantly, fulfilling their spiritual needs. FRM also trains and equips chaplains in war-torn countries.
To learn more about their ministry visit here.
Zhenya & Lyuda Chekushkin | Ternopil, Ukraine | Coordinator of Calvary Chapel Ukrainian National Movement
Their greatest desire is to share how the Gospel of Jesus Christ affects every sphere of life of people. They want to see how people can be drawn to know Christ and what He did on the cross through their testimonies and lives.
To learn more about their ministry inquire of our missions coordinator.
____________ Middle East | Due to the sensitivity of their ministry we are not sharing their names and exact location
God calls __________ to go to unreached people groups and bring them the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They seek to establish bible-teaching churches, disciple nationals, and empower them to reach their people for Christ. Their ministry is in a Muslim country where Christianity is not welcomed and for those reasons, we can’t give more info online.
To learn more about their ministry inquire of our missions coordinator.
Sunday @ 9 & 11AM With Children’s Ministry
Wednesday @ 6PM
P.O. Box 747
Kalispell, MT 59903
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