We are in trouble, big trouble. That trouble is rooted in the fact that we sin. The word “sin” means that we as humans fall short of what God wants. Not only do we not meet the high and holy standards of God, but we willingly rebel against Him. The mark is missed even though we try, and the mark is missed when we are in abject rebellion. That means we are sinners by nature and we are sinners by choice.
To illustrate this consider the circumstances surrounding the plight of two major cruise ships:
FIRST – The Costa Concordia, built in 2005, was 953 ft. long and could accommodate 4,900 people. It sunk off the coast of Italy in early 2012 due to a drunken captain showboating, showing off, and showing disregard for the very maps, which would have provided safe passage. He rebelled against known procedures, the rule of law, and neglected the navigational charts. 32 passengers died and salvage operations continue.
SECOND – The Triumph, an 893 ft. cruise ship capable of carrying 4,200 passengers, was dead in the water after a fire in the engine room deemed the ship immobile in early 2013. The captain and staff were tying to execute a safe and pleasurable cruise, but missed the mark, not meeting the expectations of the customer. They were dead in the water for days and required tugs to tow the ship back to the U.S.
Being sinners by nature we are like the captain of the Triumph, desiring and attempting a smooth trip, but falling short. As sinners by choice we are like captain of the Concordia, rejecting known standards and rebelling against the proven way.
Whether we sin by choice or sin by nature does not matter, for the outcome is deadly. The Apostle Paul says, “…the wages of sin is death…” (Romans 6:23). That means the payment or result of our sin is death – physical, spiritual, total death.
There is good news however as the story does not end there. Actually, there is GREAT NEWS! For the latter part of Romans 6:23 states, “…but the gift of God [is] eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Have you received the gift of God that is found in Jesus and thanked Him for it?