Kaslo Mission Trip 2024
The trip costs $175 per person including food, fuel, and travel insurance. We are being billeted (we are staying in the homes of the church members). Have a thank you card and a small gift to give to your hosts at the end of the trip.
Make sure you have a valid passport!
We are leaving at noon on June 21st from the church parking lot. We are traveling in the church van. Approximate travel time is five and a half hours, not including the time at the border crossing. Expect arrival around 6 PM.
Pack for 3 days of travel, and pack light if possible.
Dinner for Friday (June 21st) and Saturday (June 22nd) is provided.
We are returning on June 23rd after the Sunday service, after lunch. The expected arrival home is around 6 PM. We will drive back to the church parking lot where you can be picked up for your ride home.
You will need to provide us with emergency contact information, and the prudent medical information we need to know (including any allergies, medication/s you use, or epi-pen you carry).
Those under 18 must have Parental Consent To Travel filled out before the trip. The forms can be emailed or picked up from Pastor Dejan.
Consider this mission trip to be a “ministry of presence”. Our goal is to encourage the body of Christ there in Kaslo, and especially to Pastor Glen and his family. We will get to spend a lot of time with them and this will be our opportunity to fellowship and share life with them, which in can be a great encouragement for them, and for us.
Pray for the trip!
Sunday @ 9 & 11AM With Children’s Ministry
Wednesday @ 6PM
P.O. Box 747
Kalispell, MT 59903
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